Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Raging ADHD or Raging BS?

True Believers!

The journey to health goes far beyond my addiction to donuts, cake, and lovely red-haired girls. It is an all encompassing path to liberation of the mind as well as the body. I saw an article link on Facebook this morning to a story on ADHD being a fictitious disease and made a statement toward it that I want to share.

"And those with an actual stream of consciousness are labeled as "diseased". Between big pharmacy and religion your government doesn't have to lift a finger to make you a slave; your own naivety and the need to see yourself as flawed are the chains that bind you. The only arms you need to bear in defense are your thoughts but you have willfully surrendered them."

Some of you may be offended by this statement. I debated a bit about posting it here for concern over alienating the readership due to the mention of the two things that shan't be mentioned without getting people up in a tuft: politics and religion.

If you are offended, ask yourself, why?

If you mistook this for a conspiracy theory jab, check again.

What I want to add to this is the fact that I believe, due to my own personal experiences, that a plethora of our societal ills can be fixed with two basic things: nutrition and exercise/physical activity.

Now that I have your attention and have possibly invoked feelings on topics you may be strongly about, I ask that you these questions:

What are you doing today to improve your life and health?

What difference are you making for the lives of your children by helping improve their life and health?

Working for a living isn't an acceptable answer because that alone ain't working to improve, it's simply maintaining or falling behind for many of us.

How are we going to improve if we aren't willing to keep moving ever forward one step beyond?

With Passion,

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