Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Mission Statement: First Steps In Overcoming Astronomical Odds

True Believers!

Today celebrates an epic historical event - European Space Agency scientists managed to land a spacecraft on a moving comet! reported that "Rosetta took off from Earth 10 years ago carrying Philae and traveled 6.4 billion miles before arriving in early August at the comet."

Imagine the failure that team overcame to accomplish such a mission! Imagine the determination and persistence needed to accomplish such an amazing task!

It all started with a goal and a mission statement.

In an effort to make sense of all my nonsense and forge ahead in getting back on a path to wellness, I'm currently reading a book called The Undefeated Mind by Alex Lickerman, MD. In the second chapter he writes about having a mission. To loosely paraphrase a major revelation he touches upon he reminds us that strategies fail whereas missions do not.

When I was entering into the field of teaching one of the things we had to do was create a strong mission statement. While recently going through some documents from those days I rediscovered my teaching mission statement. After reading it I was struck by the thought that I once succeeded, albeit briefly, in a very tough career. 

Why can't I apply that knowledge to thine own self and succeed again? No reason beyond excuses.

So what I'd like to present to you is my Health & Wellness Mission Statement. This is a living document and is subject to change but as of now this is definitely a great start for the journey ahead!

J.W. Savage

My Health & Wellness Mission

I will utilize every resource available and strive to create new resources to provide myself with the opportunities for a greater health and wellness. I will create opportunities for my success and foster my own self confidence when I face failure. With great compassion and understanding I will do everything possible to meet and exceed my personal goals in life.

I will cultivate positive relationships with all friends and colleagues who share a passion for health & wellness. 

 I will continue my education, personal, and professional development throughout the entirety of my life for the benefit of my family, my community, and myself.

I will maintain a positive mental attitude. A positive and realistic attitude is conducive to greater health & wellness. Self-esteem grows with success. Proper time management, organization, and daily ritual all greatly affect progress that contributes to success.

I am worth the investment of the time it takes to improve. The value of improved health and wellness reaches into all areas of life. Achievement greater health & wellness is possible for all who decide to make the change. Successful weight management builds confidence!

I will strive to be happy! Happiness is the ultimate expression of what one has learned and implemented regarding their health & wellness. Being happy demands continuous positively reinforced self-evaluation; negative self-talk must be removed. 

The same attitudes that are conducive to successful physical training apply to life. Beyond believing in your own self efficacy, you must believe that you want to be a better version of yourself. Appropriate planning and flexibility are essential to good training. Clearly defining rules and nutritional expectations is essential. Consistency in management and discipline of food intake is crucial for success in physical training.

I will work outside of my comfort zone for the sake of self-improvement. The path to greater health & wellness should include a wide variety of methods so long as they are effective in achieving the goals set forth. Whenever possible, examples of successes and failures should be introduced with new concepts. This provides a concrete representation for concepts of an abstract nature that may be outside the immediate realm of experience and demonstrates how to properly implement these methods while providing indicators of how these concepts are being used improperly.

I will master the science of nutrition as I master my life. The science of nutrition is the primary foundation upon which the success of greater health & wellness must be built. The aim of proper nutrition is to fuel physical activity. The kitchen should be the primary gym. All workouts should begin with proper nutrition.

I will plan and prepare according to my desired goals to achieve the desired results. Eating properly for better health & wellness demands persistence and preparation - nutritional exploration does not always yield desired results as our bodies are complex biomechanical machines that depend on maintaining hormonal balances. These balances are delicate and require time to adjust. Through science we gain a greater appreciation for the practicality of nutrition and how it affects us physically and mentally. The synthesis of both nutrition and physical activity are an essential part of a lifestyle that promotes greater health & wellness.

I will provide myself with adequate sleep and rest. A lack of sleep leads to a breakdown in the circadian rhythm that allows the body to function at an optimal level.

I will seek out new and positive people, places, and habits that support my mission.

I will succeed in carrying out my mission like my life depends upon it because it does.

 My goal is to share knowledge and continue the process of lifelong self-improvement. While working towards this goal I hope to inspire as many as possible to continue to grow and prosper!
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Until next week, Keep moving forward, one step beyond!


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