Monday, March 18, 2013

Reality Really Bites Part 2: The Biggest Loser

True Believers! In the last chapter of this two-part blog I chronicled my experience with ABC's Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. Now I'm going to give you the lowdown on my casting experience with NBC's Biggest Loser.

After saying goodbye to Chi-town I headed back across I-90 East to Cleveland. I had to call off with the "sniffles" in order to make the casting call on Saturday so there was no time to spare to enjoy the trip as the next day was a work day. There was a lot going through my mind all day, specifically how I could get another chance. Second chances rarely come in this life but one was about to happen thanks to the gym I was regularly frequenting.

As Monday came I made my usual trip to do a circuit and hit the pool for some water walking. At the check in counter I noticed a flyer advertising an appearance for former The Biggest Loser contestant, "Terry"! (I've changed his identity here for his privacy  Not only would I have a chance to meet him but his presentation was FREE to members! I was amped for the chance and awaited the appearance.

Terry's presentation was awesome. He is as genuine as it gets in his passion for helping people get healthy as anyone I've met. After the presentation we talked a bit and I shared with him my experience in Chicago. He gave me some encouraging words and we exchanged email addresses; his interest in power-lifting intrigued me and I hoped to possibly get some pointers on running when the time came for me to leave the pool an hit dry land.

A few months passed and we would bump into each other in passing coming and going in the gym. He always had a positive word to share about the differences he noticed in my appearance. These kind gestures went a long way as all I saw in the mirror is the beast that killed and ate the sensitive little boy once known as Jimmie. Despite my self image loathing I marshaled onward- without any type of plan other than eating better and continuing to move.

A couple months of obsessively checking for casting updates yielded the revelation that The Biggest Loser was coming to Cleveland! I immediately contacted my dear friend, Scott, to see if he would be so kind as to use his video editing skills to pull together a submission video from the documentary footage we were working on. Not only did he oblige, as he has undoubtedly been one of my greatest supporters throughout this, he knocked one out of the park!

We both researched as many casting videos as we could find and came to the conclusion that we were not impressed. In fact there were so many "very rough" entries that I was initially reluctant to go with a more thought out submission. I was wrong. In matters of passion I've always committed to going all in and this time I NEEDED TO GO ALL OUT! I'll post a follow up with a video link in a bit so you can all see but for now this tale needs to be finished. I've included a couple of pics so you can see how I looked then compared to now. These shots were given to the casting directors with my application.

After the edit was done I did the only thing I could think of, I emailed the private link to Terry. Knowing that he got quite a few of these types of things I hoped for the best. The last thing I wanted to do is bother the man with my attempt to get on the show. The Universe would oblige and two days later I got a text that would change my outlook on what I was doing.

As I was leaving the gym my phone rang. It was an old friend from the music scene. He expressed a concern for the health of a coworker who was and is battling his weight. His tone was somber; this is from a man who is usually disgustingly positive. I replied to the effect of "He has to want to help himself, how can I help him?" I simply added him on social media as I'd recognized him from the music scene. Perhaps him seeing the odds being overcome could help him? We'll go more into this later this blog.

While I was on this call a voice message went to my inbox.It was Terry informing me that he thought my video was good enough to send to the head casting director, Ashley!!! I immediately pulled over and called him back. After the call and a few tears of joy I had to notify Scott that his work was now in the hands of casting. The next day my phone rang, the area code was 310!

I just missed the call so I redialed. It indeed was Ashley. She said she was impressed with the video and wanted to send me a VIP casting pass! No waiting in the horrendously long line! Ahh! I could be fresh as a daisy for the July appearance. With this and my "CAN'T LOSE, MUST HAVE VICTORY" attitude I picked out a new shirt and prepared to be called up to the big leagues. A friend from high school who is now a journalist even did a story for a paper that circulates around my hometown! Everything seemed to be working for me!

The line was massive and I was fortunate to not have to sit in the sun. A couple of friends from my hometown were auditioning so I waited near the front of the line with them. Santa Roy was working the line and greeting fans and future hopefuls, it was definitely full of characters! We were inside the hotel in a matter of minutes.

Once in I decided to try and go in with my friends. We got a bit separated due to my pass but I was glad we were able to catch up in line. When the time came to enter I took a deep breath, straightened my posture and held my head high. Who was the first person I saw upon entering? IAN YOUNG! We'd met before as outlined in Part 1 of this story.

My exact words were "Remember me? I'm back, lighter than ever!" Since Chicago I managed to drop and additional 60 or so pounds. Being familiar with the format I took the first seat in the shoe. Ashley said she remembered me from my video! I AM VERY EXCITE! All things seemed to be going my way. How could I possibly strike out twice?

We were informed that call backs would be done by the next day. The line was so long that the casting team was there until 9pm! my deepest respect to them for seeing everyone that waited; I know their job had to be exhausting. Patiently I waited for two days and my phone never rang.

Then that familiar area code of 310 came up; Ashley was calling me back! Had Ian seen the error of his ways? I and my ego certainly hoped so. The team was impressed enough and wanted a private on camera interview. I was given the order that I was now under confidentiality and could not tell anyone nor mention it on any social media. If there is one thing I can do it's keep a secret. How else would a single vigilante errr...trusted pillar of the community get by without secrets? The time and address were given and I was more than ready!

My attitude changed and everyone close to me started remarking on how happy I seemed. You couldn't beat the smile off my face if you tried. I had the day planned: show up to interview, decimate,then rock out to Slayer and Anthrax later that evening with close friends. Two out of three ain't bad, right?

I showed up at the top secret downtown hotel location with seconds to spare. Per the instructions i was to wait in the lobby for a phone call. This was totally black ops in my mind, so much so that I even labeled the casting number "Oscar Goldman" in my file! It seemed like an eternity waiting in that lobby; I began to wonder if the staff thought I was up to something. I was of course up to something- becoming the next BIGGEST LOSER!

The phone rang, Ian instructed me to tell the people at the desk I was there to see the people in room ####. They would give me an elevator penthouse key and I would come up to meet them. Matrix stuff right there, true believers, this is how Hollywood operates.

For the next hour we had a great conversation about my history and how my weight affected me. I thought it went GREAT! I even cut my promo tagline introduction for the show. How could I LOSE? They told me they had plenty of footage thanks to my initial entry and the interview but gave me a homework assignment- they wanted another 10 minute video submitted in just under 48 hours! Fame doesn't come without sacrifice so I postponed my revelry with Slayer and got busy with Scott shooting the next video.

We made the deadline and I waited with baited breath for the call, plane tickets to Hollywood, and the chance to win the big bucks. My phone never rang. Needless to say this took some wind out of my sales and I began to question everything. Why wasn't I good enough? Should I change my routine? Where do I go from here? So many questions still remain.

What followed was a nearly three month plateau and a lot of self doubt, some of which I'm still shaking off. At first I was enraged, and to a degree I still am. My time will come and I will persist. To everyone that made it this season, cheers to you! I hope you can maintain the pace and your new direction towards health. There are still thousands of us here in the trenches just outside the lights of Hollywood gettin' after it. Sometimes we manage to move others and ourselves to new heights and sometimes we fall. In reflecting upon this situation I can openly say I'm glad I lost. This journey is stressful enough and having the pressure of living up to a standard that isn't based in reality is not a challenge I wish to take on. In the meantime I, like all true believers, will keep moving ever forward one step beyond.



  1. Very disappointing, I'm sure, but the mark of a true warrior is one that continues on despite setbacks. It's super awesome to see how you are kicking ass and you are sure to get what is coming to you for your efforts! Stay strong! I'm a True Believer...

  2. Thanks for being an example in life yourself, Chris! You are hands down one of the best parents I know and your work ethic is incredible!I'd love to get some footage of your treadmill desk for a future video blog.
