Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tale of the Tape: How Am I Measuring Up?

Looking back on everything I realize how much more I could have made of this experience for both myself and my readers. It would have been cool to see a 3D spinning-morphing video of composite shots but I'm a bit too lazy and technologically challenged for all that. Instead of half arsing some video wizardry I'm going to talk in real numbers.

The scale has been a lifelong enemy; even as a freshmen in high school football I was unable to weigh in on the 350 lb capacity medical balance scale. The same instrument that once spurred me to change is frustrating me more than ever.

Even though I've learned to celebrate non-scale victories (NSV), I needed a greater understanding of just how my composition was changing. Was my decision to lift heavier and lessen my HIIT type activity and pool time really paying off? The scale certainly didn't reflect a positive change. I had to know how I was really measuring up.

Most of us are familiar with the good ole measuring tape. Initially the standard 60" tape could not cover my girth so like many in that uncomfortable condition I avoided it. As discussed in the previous blog, misuse of avoidance helped get me into this mess. Hopefully we are moving beyond that. To prove it here are my current measurements in pounds and inches as taken in March 2, 2013.

Weight 386 (I dropped 10 since then!!!)
Neck: 18.5
Shoulders: 64
Chest: 56
Waist: 58 (at navel)
Hips: 56
Right bicep: 18.5
Left bicep: 16.75
Right thigh: 28.25
Left thigh: 30
Right calf: 21
Left calf: 21

The measurements from the beginning of this journey are currently MIA. I hope to find them by the end of this 90 day challenge.

The scale can be a frustrating experience even when we are winning the fight. As a scientist I had to turn back to my knowledge of Archimedes and the tale of The Golden Crown. Hydrostatic testing is a means of determining body mass with the highest degree of accuracy. The problem with this process is accessibility and cost. There is an alternative to this that utilizes air pressure and is far less invasive, easier to access, and cheaper! Why didn't I think of this sooner? BECAUSE I WAS TOO FAT TO FIT INTO THE POD!

Going back to the honeymoon phase...The first five months of the quest saw me lose 100 lbs. Things began to slow a bit and by month eight I only managed to drop around an additional 40. Summer calorie creep courtesy of Arnold Palmer's delicious non-alcoholic drink and a stray from the course that carried me led to a plateau. By September 8, 2012 I had lost more than enough to be able to get into the pod. Per the suggestion of a dear friend known only as Zoma, we decided to go do the test together. This was videotaped for the record but I'm not exactly comfortable appearing shirtless publicly so I'll spare you the trauma of seeing my fishbelly white tubiness. You're welcome!

The weight seemed to be peeling much slower so I decided to up the intensity and take a beginner's CrossFit course. My old routine was no longer challenging and was so rote that it was easy to avoid. To better assess the new training I wanted to re-establish a baseline of measurement, commit to better habits with nutrition AND work rate, and set a new goal. With that in mind here is what I came up with and the differential on my Bodpod results from six months ago.

The first test on September 8, 2012 yielded the following:
Bodyfat %: 41.8
Fat Free Weight (lb): 234.512
Body weight (lb): 402.926
estimated Resting metabolic rate (kcal/day): 3053

In December of 2012 I started the three week beginners CrossFit program. A six wek version was repeated in January. Due to the flu I missed 4/18 workouts of the second session.

The second test on March 9, 2013 yielded the following:
Bodyfat %: 40.1 (-1.7 from first)
Fat Free Weight (lb): 226.752 (-7.760 from first)
Body weight (lb): 378.812 (-24.114 from first)
estimated Resting metabolic rate (kcal/day): 2932 (-121 from first)

Pissed off at the -24.114 lb loss is an understatement to say the least. It could have been worse but this is upsetting. After a pep talk and the realization that I managed to lose a total of 29.5% of my overall body weight I turned to my anger to set a new goal: KILL PRIVATE PYLE FASTER! True believers the backsliding and excuses are old and I tell them well but I'm a firm believer that one needs specific, measurable, attainable, recordable, and timely (SMART) goals. Around here we ACHIEVE! This is what sets us doers apart from the dreamers!

I propose that with 4 WOD's a week, coupled with walking and/or low impact DDP yoga on the non-CrossFit days that I, J.W. Savage, can drop a minimum of 7% bodyfat in 90 days.This is of course to be done with proper nutrition so I will work towards green leafy vegetables and a protein for at least half of all meals, a reduction of processed flour and sugars, and an increased water intake.

Follow me down at MyFitnessPal for nutrition tracking and Fitocracy for movement: Screen name is ProfMarvel for both!

Tune in March 18th for my Biggest Loser experience! And until next time keep moving ever forward one step beyond!

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